Course curriculum

    1. Philosophy & Legacy

    2. The Basics of Canon

    3. Canon at the 15th

    4. Basics of Canon | Video

    5. Invertible Counterpoint at the 15th

    6. Invertible Counterpoint | Video

    7. Infinite Canon I

    8. Infinite Canon | Video

    9. Imaginary Combinations/Horiztonal Shifts I

    10. Imaginary Combinations/Horizontal Shifts | Video

    11. Know the Repertoire

    12. Improvisation I | Video

    13. Evaluate your Knowldege

    1. Imitation at the 5th/Hexachord & Mode

    2. Imitation at the 5th/Hexachord & Mode | Video

    3. Modulation

    4. Modulation | Video

    5. Invertible Counterpoint at the 12th

    6. Invertible Counterpoint at the 12th | Video

    7. Infinite Canon II

    8. Infinite Canon II | Video

    9. Imaginary Combinations/Horiztonal Shifts II

    10. Fuga Imaginaria

    11. Know the Repertoire

    12. Improvisation III | Video

    13. Evaluate your Knowledge

    14. Course Bibliography

    1. Private Instruction Inquiries (not part of course)

About this course

  • $150.00
  • 28 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content